Customised Workshops
Embed service transformation work to transform how you are being of service.
We run customised service transformation workshops from half-day to multiple-day. These workshops include:
Enabling Good Lives by Transforming Your Practice
Learning, Visioning & Planning to Enable Good Lives
Embedding Your Vision to Enable Good Lives
Leading Change to Enable Good Lives
Conscious Leadership for Change.
Custom Events
We facilitate custom events to support specific outcomes for your organisation. The topics included in these events are:
Strategic Review Sessions
Co-creation of Practice Tools & Resources.
Humanly also offers customised Programmes of Work and Consulting to best support the implementation of your organisation's unique change plans, to meet your specific needs around practice and change.
Learning Conversations
Alongside our customised workshops for service transformation in the disability sector in New Zealand, we hold learning conversations, which are (up to) two hours of short, intentional learning - presentation-meets-Q &A style.